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Working with Folders


Just like on your computer you can organise objects in a structure in edu-sharing using folders.

You can create folders in the private space of the repository (my content) or in the cooperation space ( shared content).

The desktop application in your browser offers the biggest number of options for working with folders.

Using the WebDAV interface you can access your own folder structure and the shared folders area using your PC or Mac.

The edu-sharing app supports you with functions for creating, renaming and deleting folders.

How can I share folders with other users?


In order to share the content of a folder your can give access rights to users or groups of users.

Folders may also be shared with others using our "shared links".

To do so simply invite users or groups to a folder in the "my content" space.

The folders in the "shared content" space usually have special permissions for users or groups. These permissions are granted by the administrator.


How can Folders support Authors?


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