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E-Learning Cloud Storage

edu-sharing offers the features of your favourite cloud storage -

deeply integrated into your E-Learning-Systems

What does our educational cloud storage have to offer?

edu-sharing is a cloud storage for learning content, which is being developed in partnership with teachers.

Unlike commercial services like Dropbox or Google Drive you can install edu-sharing on a server of your choice.

This way your data is always under your control.

Embed your content with the help of our plug-ins for Moodle, OPAL, ILIAS or MediaWiki in your preferred platform.

Moodle-course with content stored in and connected to the repository

Thanks to the central storage, changes are immediately reflected throughout your materials.

Your edu-sharing file manager and your group folders can be integrated like a network drive in your Mac Finder or Windows File Manager.

This way you can open your content directly from edu-sharing in order to edit it with your favourite authoring tool. 

Sounds interesting? - Test our Moodle integration

Check out the demo!

user name: teacher

password: tree

edu-sharing cloud storage - in three steps

  1. Start by installing the edu-sharing repositoy and our rendering service.
  2. Connect your LMS such as Moodle.
  3. Connect external sources of content such as YouTube or the wikimedia commons.

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