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Managing group memberships of users

In large organizations, the group memberships of users are usually managed in special, so-called directory services such as LDAP and synchronized with edu-sharing.

However, it is also possible to manage group memberships of users in edu-sharing itself. This is done in the edu-sharing user administration.

The system administrator and the organization administrators have the possibility to manage group and organization memberships in the edu-sharing user administration.

The organization administrators can only manage memberships within the organizations they manage.

There are no restrictions for the system administrator regarding the group assignment for users.

Since version 6.0 there is also the possibility to open groups for self-registration by users. This possibility is described in the cooperation section of this documentation.

on this page:

Assigning Users to Groups

Assigning users to organization groups

  1. Open the user administration.
  2. On the ORGANISATIONS tab page, select the required organization. Do not select a group on the GROUPS tab! (System administrators can skip this step)
  3. Open the "USER" tab. The list of current members of the organization is displayed.
  4. Use the "ADD USERS" button to open the user interface and add users from the "pool" of all users in the system to your organization group.
  5. Select the desired users by checking them.
  6. Add the user by clicking the "ADD USER" button.

Note that organization administrators must have the " Find and invite users outside the organization - TOOLPERMISSION_GLOBAL_AUTHORITY_SEARCH" tool right to add users to organizations.

Assignment of users to ( regular ) user groups

  1. Open the user administration.
  2. On the "ORGANISATIONS" tab, select the desired organization.
  3. Open the "GROUPS" tab. Select a group on the tab by marking it.
  4. Use the "ADD USERS" button on the "GROUPS" tab to add a user to your group from the "pool" of all users of the system.
  5. Select the desired users by checking them.
  6. Add the user using the "ADD" button.

Note that organization administrators must have the " Find and invite users outside the organization - TOOLPERMISSION_GLOBAL_AUTHORITY_SEARCH" tool right to add users to organizations.

Removing Users from Groups

Removing Users from Organization Groups

  1. Open the user management.
  2. On the "ORGANISATIONS" tab, select the desired organization. Do not select a group on the "GROUPS" tab!
  3. Open the "USERS" tab.
  4. Find the desired users either by scrolling or using the search engine at the top of the screen.
  5. Check the desired users.
  6. Select the "Exclude" option from the context menu at the top of the screen.

Remove users from ( regular ) user groups

  1. Open the user administration.
  2. On the "ORGANISATIONS" tab, select the desired organization.
  3. Open the desired group in the "GROUPS" tab.
  4. Use the ADMINISTRATIVE MEMBERS button on the "GROUPS" tab to open the corresponding user interface.
  5. Find the desired users either by scrolling or using the search engine at the top of the screen.
  6. Check the desired users.
  7. Select the "Exclude" option from the context menu at the top of the screen.

Control of the group memberships of individual users

  1. Open the user administration.
  2. On the ORGANISATIONS tab page, select the required organization. Do not select a group on the GROUPS tab! (System administrators can skip this step)
  3. Open the "USER" tab. The list of current members of the organization is displayed.
  4. Find the desired users either by scrolling or using the search engine at the top of the screen.
  5. Select the desired user by clicking on it.
  6. Select "Manage memberships" from the user's context menu.
  7. Here you will get an overview of the current group membership shadows and can terminate them if necessary.

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