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Entering Title, Description & Keywords

You can enter or adjust the basic metadata (title, description, keywords)  for an object in the "general information" view.

The meta data of the object is used to describe the object in order to facilitate its retrieval.
When saving new content you will be automatically redirected to the appropriate mask.  

To adapt the existing metadata, select the "edit information" option in the context menu of the corresponding object .

"Edit info" button

The "general Information" view will be opened. Here you can adapt the existing metadata.

meta data fields

  • The "filename" field contains the name under which the object is stored physically in the repository. The file name is displayed only in the workspace and connected network drives (WebDAV). It must not contain any special characters so that synchronization with connected systems does not run into problems. For a "more pretty" description of the object, use the "Title" field.
  • Enter a title for the object using the corresponding field. Here you can use special characters. Please note that the title is not displayed in systems connected via WebDAV. If you connect edu-sharing as a network drive, the objects are only displayed by means of their filename, not the title.
  • Enter a description in the corresponding field. A meaningful description will facilitate retrieval using the search engine.
  • Use the field "keywords" to enter one or more terms to describe the object. Succinct keywords will help you retrieve the file. To enter more than one keyword, press the Enter key after each keyword. The keywords appear in a list below the input field. If you want to remove any of the keywords, press the [x] button after the keyword.
  • In the "author" area you can enter the creator of the object. By default, this field is filled with the name of the current user.
  • Depending on the configuration of your system, this view can include other metadata fields.

Save your changes.

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