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Creating Folders

Folders can be created in edu-sharing using the workspace, the edu-sharing app or via WebDAV.
In the private area of the file manager ("
My Content"), you can freely create folder structures.
In the "Shared Content" node of the repository you can only create folders in directories you have the corresponding rights for.


on this page:

Creating Folders in the Workspace and the app


Navigate to the folder that will contain your new folder. Click the "+ADD" button above the navigation area. (It opens a context menu.).

"New" button (pressed)

  1. Select the option "Add Folder". (A new window will open.)
  2. In the "Foldername" field, enter a name for the folder.
  3. Click "Save".     
  4. The new folder will now appear in the workspace.

adding a new folder

Creating folders via WebDAV

Connect your computer to edu-sharing via WebDAV.

Navigate to the folder you would like to create the new folder in using the Windows explorer or Mac finder.

Creating folders using Windows

Right-click into the folder you would like to create a folder in. Select "New Folder" in the context menu.

Creating folders using Mac OS

Choose File > New Folder, or press Shift–Command–N.

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