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Storing a new version of an object

The actual contents of objects can be updated in edu-sharing in the workspace, from search, in the detail view and via WebDAV.

The search is particularly suitable for the work of editors, as the advanced search functions can be used to find objects.

If the content of a file stored in edu-sharing is to be edited, the use of WebDAV is recommended. In contrast to working with the workspace, the file does not have to be downloaded and then uploaded again. You can open the files directly with your authoring tool.

on this page:

Editing objects in the workspace, search and detail view

The "Edit Info" function allows to edit the metadata of an existing object, or save a new version of the object in the repository.

The different versions of objects can be administered with the version management.

Tap / click on the button to open the context menu for the desired object and select the "Edit Info" option.

A new window will open. Press the "REPLACE MATERIAL" button at the bottom of the window. Your local file system is opened. Select the new version of the object.

To the right of the button to replace the material you have the possibility to enter a version comment.

Changing the "current version" of an object may affect the distribution of objects in connected systems such as Moodle, if the option "always show the current version" is selected.

Editing Objects via WebDAV

Editing the Meta Data

The only meta data of an object you may change using WebDAV is the title of an object (and of course the date of the last change).

Connect your computer or your mobile device to edu-sharing using WebDAV. Now you may rename the object according to your operating system.

Saving the object will create a new version.

Uploading a new Version of an Object

Connect your computer or your mobile device to edu-sharing using WebDAV. Now you may overwrite the desired file or open it with the authoring tool of your choice.

Saving the object will create a new version.

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