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Setting up an editorial folder for public content

In order to facilitate the continuous accessibility of freely shared content, edu-sharing supports the creation of a copy of freely shared content stored in a folder only accessible by users with according rights. This is an option selectable by users while publishing their content.

This way publicly share content stays available for the public even when the creator chooses to change or delete the original of the object.

The publishing of content is described in detail here.

To take full advantage of this functionality some preparation is necessary. The administrator will have to perform the following steps:

  1. creation of an “inbox folder” where copies of the public content will be stored
  2. creation of an “editorial group” to keep an eye on the content
  3. invitation of the editorial group to the “inbox folder”
  4. configuration of the editorial folder in the admin tools

on this page:

creation of an “inbox folder”

First we will have to create a folder where all copies of public content will be stored by the system. In this regard it can be seen as some kind of “inbox”.

We suggest moving files from here into a suitable folder structure (which can be a set up subfolders of this folder) in order to keep the files manageable and tidy.

The incoming data will be stored according to your configuration. By default the objets will be stored in a folder structure like "yyyy/MM/dd".

  1. Log in as the system admin.
  2. Locate a folder in you workspace suitable to contain the “inbox folder”.
  3. Create a folder with a self-explanatory name (e.g. public_content)
  4. Open the folder and copy the node id from the url.

The node id looks like the bold part of the url below:

creation of an “editorial group”

Now that we have a folder its time to create a editorial group.

  1. Go to the user management.
  2. Find the organisation you want the group to be a part of.
  3. Create the group as described in detail here.

invitation of the editorial group to the “inbox folder”

Now go back to the workspace and locate the folder.

Invite the newly created group to the folder granting at least editor rights as described here.

configuration of the editorial folder

Almost ready - now we just need to do some admin magic.

  1. Open the Admin Tools.
  2. Open the "Global System Configuration".
  3. Scroll to the "Extension configuration file (Override) " area.
  4. Now add at least the following information:

    // config for copy-based publishing of nodes
    publish.node: "the node id of the inbox folder goes here"
    publish.owner: "the name of the future owner of the content - can be the admin"
  5. Save.

Thats it.

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