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What is new in edu-sharing?

      • Kafka Notification Plugin
      • Continuous Integration und Continuous Delivery/Deployment

      • Security improvements for CI/CD
      • edu-Sharing Frontend
      • edu-Sharing Backend
      • Optimisation of the Docker images and the project structure

      We would like to thank edu-sharing e.V and metaVentis GmbH for funding the update.

      Kafka Notification Plugin

      As of version 9.0, edu-sharing offers a notification system to inform users about important events in the repository.

      The notifications appear in the application interface.

      The events for notifications and their frequency are selected by the user.

      This service was designed as a plugin. This technical implementation offers numerous advantages:

      • Separation of services
      • Easier scaling
      • Easier deployment, for example as an extra container

      Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment

      The practical implementation of a CI/CD pipeline was enhanced for edu-sharing version 9.0:

      • Expansion of pipeline-supported end-to-end front-end tests,
      • Addition of unit tests in the back and front end,
      • Simplification of "rolling updates" for production instances

      Security improvements for CI/CD

      The enhanced CI/CD security for edu-sharing 9.0 is designed to protect code pipelines through automated checks and tests to avoid vulnerabilities in software deployment.

      This includes:

      • the expansion of pipeline-based vulnerability scans
      • Automatic detection of known vulnerabilities in libraries for faster updates

      edu-sharing Frontend

      Version 9.0 includes a technically completely revised front end.

      An update to Angular version 16 was carried out and the designs were adapted for Material Design 3.

      edu-sharing Backend

      edu-sharing 9.0 includes numerous technical innovations in the backend:

      • Update to Alfresco 7.4 (Alfresco Content Services),
      • Update to Java 17 & JDK 17,
      • Update to Angular 16 and new frontend libraries

      Optimisation of the Docker images and the project structure

      Reusing Docker images across projects

      • Smaller update sizes for Docker images thanks to improved layering,
      • Better rollout behaviour in the cluster,
      • Reduced build times

      Simplification of the development environment

      • Frontend and OpenAPI tests have been moved to the repository,
      • Each repository builds the associated Docker images,
      • Customer projects now only contain customisations and configuration

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