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Permanently deleting Folders

Deleted folders are moved to the recycle bin. There they can be restored or deleted permanently.

Permanently deleted folders and their content can not be restored later.

The recycle bin can be used in the workspace view of the web application (in the browser).

There it is one of the main nodes in the navigation pane.

recycle bin in the workspace view

on this page:

Permanently deleting individual folders

Open the recycle bin by clicking the corresponding node in the navigation area. 

The recycle bin will open in the content pane. The search above the content pane helps you find the wanted folder. 

Open the context menu for the desired folder. Select the "DELETE" option.

context-menu in the recycle bin

Permanently deleting multiple folders

Open the recycle bin by clicking the corresponding node in the navigation area.

The search above the content pane helps you find the deleted folders.

Check the desired folders in the recycle bin by clicking / tapping them and selecting the "DELETE" option in the header of the window.


permanently deleting multiple objects

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