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Managing primary user roles

The Primary User Role is a meta-date for user accounts of the system.

edu-sharing offers a selection of common roles in the educational context. In addition, custom role names can be assigned.

This additional information makes it easier to distinguish between users with the same name.

In edu-sharing systems that are coupled with an external user administration, the user role is displayed in edu-sharing (e.g. in the dialog for approval), but maintained in the external application.

example of a role description in the release dialog

on this page:

Selecting a user role

The user role is managed in the user administration.

Open the user properties of the desired user. A new view opens.

Select the desired role description and save.

Using custom role descriptions

If you do not like the given role descriptions, you can use your own descriptions.

The user role is managed in the user administration.

Open the user properties of the desired user. A new view opens.

Click on the "CUSTOM NAME" button.

Changing the role description

The user role is managed in the user administration.

Open the user properties of the desired user. A new view opens.

Select the new desired role name and save.

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