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Downloading objects

Users with sufficient access rights can download and store objects that are stored in edu-sharing. 

Examples of non-downloadable objects are weblinks or instances of tools such as etherpads. 

Objects can be downloaded in the workspace, in the search and via WebDAV.

on this page:

downloading objects in the workspace

Click / tap on the desired object in the content area of the workspace. 

The meta-data as well as the "Download" button for downloading the object appear in the detail pane.


"Download" Button in the detail pane

Downloading objects in the search view

Click / tap the "more" button of the desired object.

You are forwarded to the detail view of the object. In the upper part of the detail view you will find the "Download" button for downloading the object.

Downloading objects from a collection

Click / tap the thumbnail of the desired object in the list of materials within the collection.

You will be forwarded to the detail view of the object. The download button can be found on top of the detail view. 

Downloading objects via WebDAV

Once you have set up the WebDAV connection, you can copy the objects in the folders of the repository as you are used to from your operating system.

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