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Disable users

In certain situations it may be necessary to suspend a user.

If you select this option, the user's account will be deactivated.
The user still resides in your database, as do all other users, but his or her account is deactivated, so he or she cannot log in to the portal.
Nor can he or she be found by other users (for example, when sharing items).

  1. Open the user administration.
  2. Select an organization that contains the desired user. (System administrators can skip this step)
  3. Open the "USER" tab.
  4. Open the context menu for the desired user and select the "Set Status" option.
  5. Change the status of the user to "blocked".
  6. Select whether you want to inform the user about the status change by mail.
  7. Confirm the entry with "SAVE".

The suspension can be reversed in the same way. To do this, select the "Activated" status.

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