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Creating Variants of Objects

One of the most important goals of edu-sharing is to facilitate access to openly licensed learning materials.

These contents form the basis for the legal use, exchange, reuse and remix of learning materials. Teachers do not have to reinvent the wheel every time and have more time for teaching.

The edu-sharing function "variants" supports you in reusing content by showing which content was derived from which objects. At the same time, it lists which new content has been derived from an existing object. This way, inspiration does not remain a one-way street.

on this page:

Creating variants

Variants of objects can be created in the workspace, the search and in collections. The process is almost identical.

  1. Open the context menu of the object and select the option "Create variant".
    A new mask is opened.
  2. Specify the name that you want to give to the new variant.
  3. New variants are created by default in the "Inbox" folder.
    Alternatively, select the desired storage location of the variant in your workspace using the "CHANGE SAVE PLACE" button.
  4. Click on "CREATE".

The new variant of the selected object is created.

The prerequisite for creating a variant is that the original object has been saved under a free license.

Examples of suitable licenses are:

  •     CC0
  •     PD
  •     CC-BY
  •     CC-BY-SA

In the case of objects that are under a different license or for which no license information has been attached, the copyright holder should always be asked whether he agrees with the creation of a derivative of his object.

Tracking variants

The relationships "is origin of" / "is derived from" of objects can be traced in the Statistics tab of the Information bar of the workspace.

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