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Combining objects into series

You can use series to group materials that belong together inseparably.

Typical examples of series are:

  • Exercise sheet + suggested solution,
  • Text in Spanish, translation in German + questions about the text

Series-Objects can be identified in the workspace or in collections by a little "deck of cards" icon. A number next to the item shows you how many items are part of the series.

The objects  of a series are displayed in the detail view of the "parent object".
The series objects can be opened by clicking on the thumbnails in the detail view.

a series in the detail view

Compared to collections, series are the "smaller tool".

Series cannot be nested hierarchically - the contained objects are grouped "flat".
Furthermore, serial objects have less meta data than their parent objects.

on this page:

Combining objects into series

Objects are linked to a series by being added to a parent object.

  1. Select the parent object of the series in the workspace.
  2. Open the context menu of the object and select the option "Edit info".
    The "General Information" view opens.
  3. In the lower area of the view you will find the section "ADD FURTHER MATERIALS".
    This area contains all objects that belong to the series of the parent object.
  4. Click the "+ADD" button at the end of the list. A new window will open.
  5. You now have the option of loading objects onto the platform or entering a web link.
  6. The object is added to the series and you are taken back to the list of series objects.

Adding an object to a series

Editing Series Objects

Series are edited in the "General Information" view of their parent object.

There you may:

  • enrich series objects with meta data,
  • attach license information,
  • remove objects.

Editing Metadata for Series Objects

  1. Open the context menu of the object and select the option "Edit info".
    The "General Information" view opens.
  2. In the lower part of the view you will find the section "ADD FURTHER MATERIALS".
    This area contains all objects that belong to the series of the parent object.
  3. Click on the pencil icon behind the desired object.
    A new window opens with the metadata of the object.
  4. Make the changes and save them.

Editing licenses for serial objects

  1. Open the context menu of the object and select the option "Edit info". The "General Information" view opens.
  2. In the lower part of the view you will find the section "ADD FURTHER MATERIALS".
  3. This area contains all objects that belong to the series of the parent object.
  4. Click on the © icon behind the desired object.
  5. A new window opens with the license information of the object.
  6. Make the changes and save them.

Defining the sequence of serial objects

The objects of a series are displayed in the detail view of the parent object as stripes in the header area. The first object of the series in this view is always the parent object.

The order of the other objects can be edited in the "General Information" view of their parent object.

  1. Open the context menu of the object and select the option "Edit info".
    The "General Information" view opens.
  2. In the lower part of the view you will find the section "ADD FURTHER MATERIALS".
    This area contains all objects that belong to the series of the parent object.
  3. Use drag&drop to move the object to the desired position in the list of series objects.
    The top-down order in the list corresponds to the left-to-right order in the detail view.

Removing Objects from Series

The objects of a series can be removed in the detail view of the parent object.

  1. Open the context menu of the object and select the option "Edit info".
    The "General Information" view opens.
  2. In the lower part of the view you will find the section "ADD FURTHER MATERIALS".
    This area contains all objects that belong to the series of the parent object.
  3. Click on the "-" icon behind the desired object to remove it from the series.

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