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Setting up a development environment

In this section we will bravely describe how to setup a edu-sharing development environment with an extension project.

We will use IntelliJ IDE which is the preferred IDE to develop on edu-sharing. You can also use your preferred IDE as well. 

on this page:


Before you can start make sure you have the following application installed. 

  • Maven 3.8.4 or higher (build project)
  • Git (source control)
  • Java 8 
  • openJDK 1.8 or equivalent
  • PHP 8 (Rendering Service)
  • Docker 20.10.21 or higher (deployment)
  • Docker Compose 2.13.0 or higher (deployment)
  • npm 7 or higher (frontend)
  • nodejs 14 (frontend)

To get access to the edu-sharing maven repositories you need to edit the maven ~/.m2/settings.xml or create it if it doesn't exist.


<settings xmlns=""

Setting up a custom deploy project

The simplest and easiest way to setup a deploy project is to use the edu_sharing-community-sdk maven archetype. It's a maven project template which provides the overall docker structure including docker compose files, kubernetes files as well as utility scripts to deploy, debug and develop edu-sharing locally. It also creates a default project structure where you can add your customization for edu-sharing. 

  • Open IntelliJ and create a new Project
  • Choose Maven Archetype under generators.
  • Fill out the project name and choose a location where to store the project. (Important: If you want to add the core repos of edu-sharing, they should be in the same parent folder, because mounting is done relative to the deploy folder when developing and running with docker) 
  • It's important to create a git repository because the maven packages are resolved by the name of the branch,  so check the "create git repository" checkbox.
  • Also select a JDK 1.8 or equivalent version otherwise you won't be able to build edu-sharing.
  • Under catalog select edu-sharing 
    or add it by clicking on "Manage catalogs..." the remote location is

  • In the archetype drop down menu select org.edu_sharing:edu_sharing-community-sdk-archetypes-project
  • Select a version. You should use the latest subversion of edu-sharing. If you want to build edu-sharing 7.0 you should select the latest 7.0 version (e.g. 7.0.0).
  • set the project variable und additional properties to the same name as the name (spaces are not allowed here!),
  • expand advanced settings and
    • set GroupId to "org.edu_sharing" otherwise the parent pom won't be found
    • set ArtifactId to the same name as the project properties
    • set version to git (just a hint because the version is controlled/forced by the git branch)
  • Press "Create"
  • Go to the Project Settings: File → Settings under Build, Exectuion, Deployment → Build Tools → Maven → Runner click on "Environment variables" and add  "REPOSITORY_ELASTIC_ENABLED=true" if you have any other plugins add them as well. Those variables are required to activate maven profiles which controls the application build setup.
  • In the root pom.xml set  the property under properties to e.g. 7.0.0-RC57 (major.minor should be the same as the major.minor of the sdk)  
  • You can now run maven install to build the project. To do so open the maven tab on the right and right click on my-edu-sharing (project name) and click on "Run Maven" → "install" 
  • To start edu-sharing run ./deploy/docker/ lstart. You will now get some information about your edu-sharing instance. Starting all services will take up to 3 minutes

Artifact are automatically named by the chosen git branch, therefor all projects have to use the same branch name otherwise maven won't find the required artifacts. 

Your Project should look like this

Deploy configurations


Plugins extents the behavior of edu-sharing. There version is defined inside the edu_sharing-community-bom project. Plugins will be mixed together in the deploy project. Some parts get composed in the repository service docker, other are just additional containers that need to be started and therefore added to compose and helm configurations. Which plugins are added will be controlled by maven profiles defined in the deploy project. Due to a bug, it is not recommended to control profiles from within Intellij's maven tool window. The recommended way to control profiles is by using the maven environment variable for the specific plugin. To set maven environment variables go to File → Settings -> Build, Exectuion, Deploymnt → Build Tools → Maven → Runner click on "Environment variables"

Environment variables

Environment variablevaluesdescription
DEVtrue/falseforces to use the current SNAPSHOT version of edu-sharing that is equal to the branch name.
REPOSITORY_ELASTIC_ENABLEDtrue/falseenables or disables repository elastic plugin.

edu-sharing version

The version of edu-sharing and it's components is defined by the property in the root pom.xml of the deploy project. You should set the property value to a specific version e.g. 7.0.0-RC57. If you also want to develop the edu-sharing core you should set the maven environment variable DEV=true to activate the maven dev profile which overrides the value with ${project.version} which activates the git branch naming mechanism.



    <!-- edu-sharing version -->


Deploy project structure

Let's start by explaining the overall folder structure and what it means. We will discover the Docker deployment, how to start edu-sharing and where to place the extension code, as well as some specifics. 

deploy (Docker)

Under deploy you'll find all kind of deployments. At the moment there is only Docker. It was supposed to deliver a bar installation script. But we discovered that the maintenance overhead was too much and we decided to remove it from the deployment.


On the top level of the docker folder inside the deploy part, you will find build. Build contains basic Docker projects to build Postgresql, Redis, Mailcatcher and so on. All projects contain a Dockerfile and possibly some additional setup files. Most of the time, these are one-to-one copies of their base images. We want to guarantee that edu-sharing runs with a valid set of images. So we decided to make copies of these Docker images.


Repository is used to build the core repository docker files as well as docker compose and helm  configuration files. As before Build is supposed to build Docker Images, like search/solr4, service (repository) and transform. compose and helm contains the respective configuration files. One particularity is that the repository is build based on it's plugins as well. The content of that image looks slightly different depending on which plugins are enabeld. Mixing plugins together are controlled by maven profiles which on the over hand are controlled by maven environment variables. Plugins can also add additional helm and compose files to the respective submodules. It's recommended to run a clean after you've activated or deactivated a plugin to clean up the target folder of all submodules. 

Services (rendering)

As the name suggests, services contain services. The Rendering service is the only service at the moment. Similar to repository, it also includes build, compose and helm.  

Compose and helm

Those modules in the top level folder of the deploy module containing the overall setup and configuration files for docker compose and kubernetis. They are composed by the compose and helm files of the repository and service submodules. Therefore, it's recommended to run clean install even when enabling/disabling plugins, as well as run an install after changing relevant configuration files in the repository, its plugins, or the rendering service


The repository submodule in the root folder is used for project specific customizations and extentions of edu-sharing.


As the name suggests, this is the area for the edu-sharing backend code. It is divided into alfresco, services and webapp. All submodules and content under alfresco will move to the alfresco CMS. Because of edu-sharing is build up on alfresco, alfresco launched first and should hold all depending java libraries that are used by edu-sharing and alfresco. So if you need additional libraries, or new API's like GraphQL etc, this is the place to define them.  For additional information on how to handle dependency management, please visit: Edu-sharing specific extensions and customizations can be put into the service/core submodule. This code is then located directly in the edu-sharing application part.


Frontend concerning extensions can be placed inside the frontend module.


Webapp puts all together into one final web application. 


This submodule contains all configration specific files. It's divided into three parts: default, node and cluster. Each has its own use case. Configuration files located under default are not persistent in the container. Therefore if you modify any configuration inside a running container that is located under default, it will be reset when the container is recreated.
Cluster and Node are persistent configuration locations. That means that the changes made to the configuration will remain after a container rebuild or update. The difference between them is the scope. Cluster means that those settings will be shared with all nodes in the cluster there as node only persists changes on a single node in the cluster.        


Contains maven extensions like the maven-git-versioning-extension.xml, which sets the project.version in case of a branch to <branch-name>-SNAPSHOT or in case of a tag to the tagged version.

Launching edu-sharing

To run, debug and develop edu-sharing we've create a deploy/docker/ script for that. Basically it calls docker compose commands with the required set of docker-compose files for you. E.g. docker compose -f file1.yml -f file2.yml -f file3.yml up. The compose files are called from  docker/compose/target/compose directory therefore you have to build you deploy project first.

Below, you can find a list of useful commands and its meanings. Service means the serivce defined in the docker compose files. Square brackets means that this argument is optional, three dots means there can be more than one and angular brackets means required.

rstart [services...]startup containers from remote images
rdebug [services...]startup containers from remote images with dev ports
rdev [services...]startup containers from remote images  with dev ports and mounted artifacts

lstart [services...]startup containers from local images
ldebug [services...]startup containers from local images with dev ports
ldev [services...]startup containers from local images  with dev ports and mounted artifacts

infoshow information
logs [services...]show logs
psshow containers

stop [services...]stop services
removeremove all containers and volumes

terminal <service>open container bash as root

Deploy project without core components

This section is for the case you want to develop an edu-sharing extension only without checking out the core community components.
In this case you have to use rstart, rdebug and rdev to start edu-sharing. Otherwise the docker images of edu-sharing plugins won't be found. But before you can do so, You have to delete the following files:

  • deploy/docker/compose/src/main/compose/0_edusharing-remote.yml
  • deploy/docker/repository/compose/src/main/compose/1_repository-remote.yml
  • deploy/docker/services/rendering/compose/src/main/compose/1_rendering-remote.yml

To use rdev also requires some changes:

In "deploy/docker/repository/compose/src/main/compose/1_repository-dev.yml" file delete all line starting with "- "${GIT_ROOT}/repository/Backend" under volumes.
Delete the deploy/docker/services/rendering/compose/src/main/compose/1_rendering-dev.yml file.

deploy/docker/repository/compose/pom.xml add <excludes>*-dev.yml</excludes> to the configuration part of the maven-dependency-plugin plugin.


 Don't forget to rebuild (mvn clean install) your project.  


edu-sharing core developing

Adding edu-sharing core repositories

If you want to modify the existing core modules of edu-sharing the best practice is to create a fork of the desired github repos and check them out in the same parent folder as your deploy project.
After you've created all repositories, open your deploy project and in the maven module click on the plus icon to add them to your project.


The required projects:

edu_sharing-community-bom projects defines the version used to build the edu-sharing software. (Bill of material)  
edu_sharing-community-repository edu-sharing repository  
edu_sharing-community-repository-plugin-elastic edu-sharing to uses elastic search features
edu_sharing-community-repository-repackaged tackles fixes on jar packages
edu_sharing-community-services-rendering service used to render all the different content types  

Build order

It's important to retain the build order otherwise you'll discover weird behaviors or bugs because older artifact versions will be used in the depending projects. 

ProjectBuild steps
edu_sharing-community-repository-repackagedmaven install
edu_sharing-community-repositorymaven install
Repository Plugins
edu_sharing-community-repository-plugin-elasticmaven install
edu_sharing-community-services-renderingmaven install
edu_sharing-community-bom  maven install
deploy projectmaven (clean) install
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