Installing the edu-sharing plug-in for mahara
For the installation of the plugin it is necessary to make some changes in the source code of mahara.
Configuring the TinyMCE plugin
Add edu sharing plugin folder to js/tinymce/plugins/ in lib/web.php .
Add edusharing to the TinyMCE toolbar configuration. It should look like this:
CODE$toolbar = array( null, '"toolbar_toggle | formatselect | bold italic | bullist numlist | link unlink | imagebrowser | undo redo"', '"underline strikethrough subscript superscript | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | outdent indent | forecolor backcolor | ltr rtl | fullscreen"', '"fontselect | fontsizeselect | emoticons nonbreaking charmap ' . $mathslate . ' ' . $spellchecker_toolbar . ' | table | removeformat pastetext | anchor | code | edusharing "', );
Add edusharing to TinyMCE plugins configuration. It should look like this:
- Add ",img[],div[]" to "extended_valid_elements". Make sure it is really there.
Configuring the edu-sharing filter
In lib/web.php add "$javascript_array[] = $wwwroot . '/artefact/edusharing/js/edu.js';" just before "// .
TinyMCE must be included first for some reason we're not sure about.